Pope Francis: Free Expression Doesn't Mean Right to Insult Others' Faith

Pope Francis: Free Expression Doesn't Mean Right to Insult Others' Faith

Pope Francis made a statement Thursday (Jan. 15) that people should not “kill in the name of God” or “insult other people’s faith.” The Pope speaking in response to the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed 17 people. 

The pontiff spoke in support of freedom of expression but said that a line had to be drawn at killing. 

Francis said, "One cannot make war (or) kill in the name of one's own religion."

“...To kill in the name of God is an aberration,” he continued. 

CNN reports Francis then explained that people should speak and act “to help the common good” but that must be done while still respecting human dignity. 

If a friend "says a swear word against my mother, then a punch awaits him," Francis said.

"It's normal, it's normal. One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith,” the Pope concluded. 

Francis was travelling to the Philippines when he made the comments. 

Publication date: January 15, 2015