Poll: More Than a Quarter of Americans Say God Influences Sporting Events
- Religion Today
- Updated Jan 30, 2013
As millions look forward to watching the Super Bowl on Sunday, a new poll finds more than a quarter of Americans believe God "plays a role in determining which team wins" at sporting events, CNN reports. Asked if they believe God plays a role in who wins, 27 percent of Americans said yes. The survey by the Public Religion Research Institute also found that more than half of Americans believe "God rewards athletes who have faith with good health and success." Institute CEO Robert P. Jones said, "In an era where professional sports are driven by dollars and statistics, significant numbers of Americans see a divine hand at play." And when it comes to athletes making public professions of faith -- such as thanking God after winning or writing Scripture references on their gear -- 50 percent of those surveyed said they approved of those types of expressions, while 45 percent said it didn't matter and 4 percent said they disapproved.