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Rubio and Cruz Clash over Immigration Policies

Rubio and Cruz Clash over Immigration Policies

Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz continue to disagree with each other on immigration policies. reports that the two rivals have been clarifying their respective stances on immigration and finding flaws in how the other has dealt with immigration reform in the past.

Cruz had initially been in favor of increasing legal immigration in the U.S., stating that welcoming legal immigrants is “a pillar of our nation’s heritage and strength.”

He had also introduced amendments to double the cap on legal immigration and increase the number of visas for highly-skilled immigrants by 500 percent. 

However, when asked in an interview on the Laura Ingraham show if he was still in favor of increasing the number of legal immigrants in the U.S., Cruz stated, “I don’t believe that’s a good idea.”

And in Tuesday’s GOP debate, speaking of illegal immigration, Cruz stated, “I would say the politics of it would be very, very, different if a bunch of lawyers or bankers were crossing the Rio Grande — or if a bunch of people with journalism degrees were coming over and driving down the wages in the press.”

Cruz has come down hard on Rubio for co-writing a massive 2013 immigration bill that passed in the Senate, but Rubio is fighting back.

“Ted is a supporter of legalizing people that are in this country illegally. … If you look at it, I don’t think our positions are dramatically different,” Rubio said in a campaign appearance in South Carolina on Thursday.

Photo courtesy: Salem Web Network

Publication date: November 13, 2015