Two Men Recite Bible from Memory to Raise Money for Nepal

Two Men Recite Bible from Memory to Raise Money for Nepal

Two Wordsower International members will be raising money for Nepal earthquake relief by reciting the Bible from memory for 24 hours. The Bible-quoting marathon will begin on Wednesday (May 6) at 12:00 p.m. eastern time and conclude on Thursday at the same time. 

The Christian Post reports that Tom Meyer and Jason Nightingale will be speaking at Shasta Bible College in Redding, California. The presentation will also be streamed for online viewing here

Meyer told The Christian Post, "We have done similar events in the past but none of them have been streamlined online before. We tell the Bible as the sermon from memory weekly as a full-time ministry.” 

He continued, "Since the event is streamlined at we're hoping for thousands and thousands to view online. Also people are welcome to personally attend the event at Shasta Bible College in Redding."

Donations for Nepal can be made through the Wordsower International website. Meyer said that “100 percent of the funds go to Nepal.” 

For other ways to donate to Nepal disaster relief, follow this link.

Publication date: May 6, 2015