West Virginia Man Sues Educators for Teaching Daughter Evolution

West Virginia Man Sues Educators for Teaching Daughter Evolution

A West Virginia man has filed a lawsuit against education officials after his daughter was taught about evolution in school. Kenneth Smith claims that the curriculum represents “the propagation of religious faith,” according to The Independent

Smith’s complaint was directed to local, state and federal education officials; he is representing himself in the lawsuit. 

The parent believes that his daughter’s education in the field of evolution could hinder her chances of being accepted into college and veterinary school. 

According to the complaint, “Their actions during the 2014-2015 school year affects my child’s future directly through the state grading system to enter college and the ability to earn economic security and a good job in her chosen veterinarian medical field of work, by being taught a faith (evolutionary ideology) that just doesn’t exist and has no math to back it.” 

Smith did not mention his daughter's age in the complaint. 

Publication date: June 2, 2015