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YouTube Reinstates Ray Comfort's "Audacity" Trailer

  • Kristin Cole A. Larry Ross Communications
  • Updated Jul 08, 2015
YouTube Reinstates Ray Comfort's "Audacity" Trailer

When the trailer for "Audacity," Ray Comfort's new movie on homosexuality, was removed from YouTube over the weekend, he suspected foul play.   

"The trailer had been removed 'as a violation of YouTube's policy against spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content,'" said Comfort. "But since we found nothing in it that fit that description, we naturally concluded that YouTube didn't like the content and yanked it." 

In attempting to get the trailer back online, however, Comfort did receive an explanation. 

"YouTube kindly explained that we hadviolated their metadata policy," the filmmaker stated. "We had added a list of keywords in the video description section, not knowing that was against their company policy." 

Comfort happily noted that his team connected with YouTube and addressed the policy concern. Thankfully, they have fully reinstated the original video, and all of the original links that were in countless locations are now live again. 

"This is a good lesson for us to thoroughly research such things so we don't violate policy and to avoid jumping to judgment," said Comfort. "While we appreciate the many people who supported us in this incident, we offer our sincere apologies to YouTube for wrongly suspecting them of blame, and also to news organizations who kindly carried the story." 

You can find the original YouTube trailer on 

Courtesy: Press Release, A. Larry Ross Communications

Publication date: July 8, 2015