Sudanese Leader Killed in Crash, Riots Erupt

  • Janet Chismar Senior Editor, News & Culture
  • Published Aug 01, 2005
Sudanese Leader Killed in Crash, Riots Erupt

At least 24 people were killed Monday as rioters hit the streets of Khartoum upon hearing news of the death of John Garang Diambior. According to CNS News, Garang, a key figure in a January peace deal, died over the weekend after the Ugandan presidential helicopter he was traveling in went down in bad weather.


“Riots have started all over Sudan and many people have been killed,” writes Matthew Chancey, the director of communication for the Persecution Project Foundation (PPF). “Pray that a spirit of peace with prevail. The comprehensive peace agreement in Southern Sudan can open many doors to establish an important Christian beachhead in one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”


Garang left Uganda by helicopter late on Saturday to return to Sudan after talks with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. But Uganda said on Sunday it had lost contact with the aircraft.


Although no reports have suggested foul play in the crash, speculation will likely arise in the days ahead that a notorious Ugandan rebel group, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), may have shot down the helicopter. Operating from bases in southern Sudan -- allegedly with past support from Khartoum -- the LRA has for some 18 years been fighting to overthrow the Ugandan government. It is notorious for vicious tactics including the abduction of thousands of children forced to become soldiers or concubines for rebels.


Garang led Sudan's southern rebels for two decades before making peace and joining the government he fought. His death raises concern about the future of the comprehensive peace agreement that recently ended more than two decades of civil war in southern Sudan.

Persecution Project Foundation (PPF) President Brad Phillips and Matthew Chancey, founding board member and the PPF director of communications, met with Garang a few days before his July 9 inauguration as the first Vice President of Sudan and the President of southern Sudan. Garang was the highest-ranking Christian of an officially Islamic state in the world, according to PPF.


“President Garang was instrumental in keeping Islamic law from being enforced in Southern Sudan, clearing the way for more Christian missions and freedom of conscience,” writes Chancey. “Garang was extremely supportive of PPF’s efforts to start our Radio Peace project, Sudan’s only Christian radio station. His commitment to Christian education resulted in the founding of the Nakwatom Heritage Academy (another PPF-supported ministry), which provides an explicitly Christian education to hundreds of orphans in southern Sudan. His death is a tragic loss, but we trust in a Sovereign God who reigns over all governments of the earth.”


PPF sends its most sincere condolences to Garang’s family, especially his wife, Rebecca, and her seven children.


The southern civil war started in 1983 when the Islamist Khartoum government tried to impose Islamic sharia law on the mainly Christian and animist south. Two million people died in the conflict, mainly through hunger and disease.


The following is a statement released by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni following the death of Sudanese 1st Vice President John Garang in a plane crash Saturday night.


In fact, recently, some of the instruments were upgraded. It was very well equipped with the ability to show the pilots the altitude using both radio altimeter that shows you how far you are from the ground as well as a Barometric altimeter that shows you how high you are from sea level; a weather radar that shows you bad clouds ahead as well as mountain ranges up to 100kms away; Advanced Moving Map System (AMMS) that shows you where you are at any particular time and the terrain features such as mountains; a powerful flood light system to avoid hitting trees and other landing site obstacles; and audio warning in case you are approaching a mountain ahead. The helicopter was also wired against lightening strikes, according to the manufacturers. It could, therefore, fly both at night and during the day according to the pilots although it is always our policy not to fly in mountain areas at night or during low visibility weather conditions.

I have decided to create a panel of three (3) experts to look into this crash. The Minister of Transport will name the team. We have also approached a certain foreign government to rule out any form of sabotage or terrorism.


The death of our brother and long time Comrade-in-Arms is a tragic loss to the cause of patriotic Africa. It was a great shock and a source of anger to see that Dr. Garang, who has survived so many trials and tribulations, could lose his life when peace was beginning to come back to Sudan. Dr. Garang was one of the most visionary and incisive revolutionary thinkers and nationalists Africa has ever produced. However, the struggle for the dignity and progress of patriotic Africa is unstoppable. In the same way the death of Amilcar Cabral, Samora Machel, Agostinho Neto, Patrice Lumumba, Herbert Chitepo, Eduardo Mondlane, Martin Mwesiga, Valerian Rwaheru and others did not stop the defeat of reactionary and imperialist forces in Africa, the death of Dr. Garang will not derail the struggle of the Sudanese people for justice and dignity. The Uganda government supports the interim process in the Sudan.


I extend my condolences and those of the people of Uganda to Rebecca Garang and the children; to the SPLA; to the people of Sudan; and to President Bashir and the Interim Government of that country. I also extend similar condolences to the families of the other Sudanese and Ugandans who died in the crash. May their Souls rest in Eternal Peace.

The Government of Uganda has declared a three-day mourning period with effect from Tuesday 2nd August, 2005 with flags flying at half-mast in the whole country.


"We are deeply saddened to learn of his passing and extend our condolences to his family and to the people of Sudan," White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters.


For the latest news on the facts and events surrounding President Garang’s death, please visit PPF’s website: