Child Fighting Cancer Overwhelmed When He's Presented with a Puppy

Child Fighting Cancer Overwhelmed When He's Presented with a Puppy
  • Updated May 08, 2024

There are frightening and scary situations that we’ll all encounter and endure in this life. However, not much, if anything, is more terrifying and panic-inducing than first learning you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is a horrible disease in any and every form. It does nothing but hurt, destroy and rip apart families. But even during those scary circumstances, there are still beautiful instances when love, kindness and sympathy are exhibited. While people have a stunning capacity for great evil, they also have the ability to display unexpected and moving acts of kindness that can bring a smile to the face of someone struggling.

A clip posted on social media shows an 11-year-old, Elijah, reacting with tears of happiness, unable to control his emotions when he was presented with his own puppy. Elijah, the video’s caption points out, has a brain tumor and has always wanted his very own puppy. One organization, Make-A-Wish in Nebraska, made Elijah’s dream come true. They gave the young man a dog, much to Elijah’s delight.

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But it wasn’t just any dog that Elijah received. The post mentions that Elijah always knew the exact type of dog he wanted – a black, brown and white corgi, and that is the precise type of canine that Elijah was given.

Also, Elijah already had a name for his puppy: Tucker.

The video shows that making someone’s day and putting a smile on someone’s face who is undergoing challenging circumstances does not take much talent or effort. Instead, all it takes is a little time and a willingness to show others kindness.

We wish Elijah and Tucker nothing but the best!

Acts 20:35 “In all things I was an example to you of how, in your lives, you are to give help to the feeble, and keep in memory the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘There is a great blessing in giving than in getting.’”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission. 

Photo credit: ©Instagram/globalpositivenews