One in Five British Abortion Clinics Breaking the Law

Religion Today

April 2, 2012

According to a government investigation, as many as 20 percent of Britain's abortion clinics may be guilty of breaking the law, Baptist Press reports. A series of unannounced raids found that more than 50 of 250 private and National Health Service clinics were in violation of the law; many clinics were failing to provide appropriate counseling, and doctors were found to be falsifying and signing consent forms before actually assessing women and their situations. "I was appalled," said Health Secretary Andrew Lansley. "Because if it happens, it is pretty much people engaging in a culture of both ignoring the law and trying to give themselves the right to say that although Parliament may have said this, we believe in abortion on demand." The government raids followed a hidden-camera investigation by The Daily Telegraph that showed doctors indicating willingness to abort unborn children based on their sex and to provide false information on written forms to hide the reason for the abortions.