Pakistan: Christian and Hindu Detained for "Defiling Koran"

Amanda Casanova

Pakistani police have arrested two men— one a Christian convert and the other a Hindu man— for allegedly burning a Koran.

The two men, Javed Masih and Anand Lal, were taken into custody after the headmaster for the school where the two worked as janitors filed a First Information Report about a burnt Koranic verses chart. 

Masih is a Christian and his family and attorney have said that Muslim extremists are falsely accusing the men.

Masih’s wife said after the arrests, a chapter of Muslim extremists showed up at her house, asking the mob to burn down their house and kill “the blasphemer’s children.”

“I somehow managed to escape to my brother’s house with my three children, the eldest being 8 years old,” she told Morning Star News.

“Almost all Hindus who have converted, including us, accepted Christ as our savior not under any pressure, but of our free will,” she said. “The Hindu community is often targeted by Muslim groups, and our girls are forcibly taken and converted to Islam, so the community has a natural hatred for Islam.”

Police told reporters that Masih had confessed to the crimes, but Masih’s attorney denied that.

Publication date: September 10, 2014