Minister Claims She Was Told Jesus Bumper Stickers Could Invalidate Insurance Policy

Carrie Dedrick

A pastor in Wales claims that her insurance company said the religious bumper stickers on her car could invalidate her policy. 

Christian Today reports that Reverend Wena Parry attempted to make a claim after part of her car was stolen. She was told to take photos of the vehicle and when she submitted them, the company told her that they should have been informed about the bumper stickers that said “Christ Must Be Saviour” and “Christ for Me.” 

The insurance company, Age UK Insurance, sent Parry a letter that said, “these modifications do not fit our acceptance criteria for motor insurance. Cover would have been declined if we had been made aware of these at the time of purchasing your policy."

"The policy may be declared void,” the letter stated. 

Parry believes that the company is discriminating against her Christian beliefs. 

“There might be somebody within that company that hates Christianity," Parry told the BBC.

Publication date: February 3, 2015