Matt Walsh Clashes with Pastor over Bruce Jenner and How to Respond to Transgenderism

Carrie Dedrick

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh recently clashed with a Christian pastor over how to respond to transgenderism. 

Walsh wrote a piece called “Bruce Jenner Is Not A Woman. He Is A Sick And Delusional Man” that was published in The Blaze. Pastor Jarrid Wilson responded to the piece writing an open letter titled “Dear Bruce Jenner: Jesus Loves You and Cares For You.” 

The Blaze reports Walsh and Wilson both believe that God does not mistakes when creating men and women but disagree on how Christians should respond transgenderism; Wilson believes the issue should be approached with compassion. 

The men debated Bruce Jenner and transgenderism on “The Church Boys” podcast. 

Wilson said, “As a Christ follower or as a pastor… I’m trying to encourage people on a daily basis to consistently show love to people, even if they don’t necessarily understand what they’re going through. It doesn’t mean that they have to agree with what they’re doing.”

Walsh said that Christians need to take a stronger stand against transgenderism in a society that is in crisis. 

“What I do care [about] is that we all come to an understanding that, as Christians, we have to stop sacrificing the hard, difficult truth for the sake of seeming accepting, because I think that’s what’s driven us to the point we’re at in our culture, where we have a million babies being killed every year, the definition of marriage crumbling — we have now even the reality of man versus woman is no longer accepted. And I think we’ve gotten to that point in our culture, which is a very dangerous, evil place, because Christian leaders haven’t not stood up and said, ‘This is wrong’ and just laid out the truth,” Walsh said. 

Publication date: May 8, 2015