Russell Wilson Says He is Practicing Abstinence with Girlfriend Ciara

Carrie Dedrick

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson said in a recent interview that he and girlfriend Ciara are practicing a celibate relationship. Speaking at The Rock Church in San Diego, Wilson said he heard God tell him to “lead” his singer girlfriend. 

He said, “She was on tour, she was traveling, and I was looking at her in the mirror… and she was sitting there and God spoke to me and said ‘I need you to lead her’… and so I told her right then and there, what would you do if we took all that extra stuff off the table, and did it Jesus’ way?” 

Ciara agreed and the couple is pursuing a Christian relationship, according to CBS News

Wilson said, “For me, I knew that God had brought me into her life to bless her, and for her to bless me. And to bless so many people with the impact that she has [and] that I have. We’re not going to be perfect by any means — you know, life’s not perfect, nobody is perfect. But he’s anointed both of us. I know that he’s calling for us to do something miraculous, something special.”

Wilson, who is divorced, said that God led him to Ciara after separating from his wife. 

“I… just trusted that God would do the healing process,” he said. “...I met this girl named Ciara, who is the most beautiful woman in the world; the most kind person, the most engaging person; I could probably learn more from her.”

Publication date: July 8, 2015