ISIS Leaks Photos of Assyrian Christian Women Being Held for Ransom

Veronica Neffinger

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has released three online photos of kidnapped Assyrian women.

The women in the photos are believed to be some of the 250 or so Assyrian Christians who were captured by ISIS fighters in February from Syrian villages near the Kabur River.

According to The Christian Post, it is believed that the women, along with their children, are being held for ransom, and if their families do not comply with the ransom demands of ISIS, the women will be sold into sex slavery.

Documented evidence of the existence of an ISIS sex-slave pricing list was recently discovered, along with the other brutal atrocities propagated by ISIS fighters.

The Islamic State is known for kidnapping and abusing Yazidi women, as well as Christians and Jews.

The Islamic State’s "Research and Fatwa Department" has released a 34-page manual that permits them to have sex with Christians and Jews who were "captured in battle.”

On Tuesday, however, ISIS released 22 of its hostages. It is yet unclear if the group intends on releasing the women in the photos. 

Publication date: August 17, 2015