Doctor Who Botched 5 Abortions is Summoned to Court

Veronica Neffinger

A late-term abortion doctor has been issued a subpoena by the House of Representatives Select Panel on Infant Lives over reports of botched abortions in which women ended up in the hospital due to complications.

The Christian Post reports that 72-year-old abortion doctor LeRoy Carhart, who works at an abortion facility in Germantown, Maryland, has been known to perform abortions when he is fatigued and has consequently endangered the lives of numerous women, as well as allegedly participated in fetal tissue sales.

"Public reports indicate at least five women have been sent to the hospital since December while seeking an abortion in this clinic. The clinic is one of the few in the nation that performs abortions during the third trimester," stated Marsha Blackburn, the chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Select Investigative Panel.

Carhart has been summoned to court along with other agencies. 

"It appears that Carhart was once again conducting surgeries on women in a fatigued state, as he is known to do," said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, a group that urged officials to shut down his clinic. "He brags of never taking a day off. At the age of 72, we believe he is endangering women with his irresponsible behavior, and this latest medical emergency in Germantown is more evidence of that."

Although pro-life groups and many House Republicans are calling on the clinic to be closed and for Carhart to be prosecuted, some Democrats maintain that the accusations against Carhart are merely an example of an unjustified “witch hunt.”

Blackburn, however, states, "We have an obligation to protect the most vulnerable at all stages of life. This obligation was expressed in both the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. Reports regarding the Germantown clinic are deeply troubling, both for the sake of babies whose lives are ended so close to — and possibly even after — birth and for the sake of the women who have been rushed from that clinic to the hospital with increasing frequency. In order to properly address these concerns, we have issued subpoenas not only to Carhart and his clinic, but also to hospitals and first responders who may have information that will be instructive. Time is of the essence."

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Publication date: May 16, 2016