Study: 70 Percent of Evangelicals Don’t Believe in Evolution

Veronica Neffinger

A recent study has found that 70 percent of American evangelicals do not believe Evolution to be true. reports that the study was conducted by chief research sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund, Christopher Scheitle at West Virginia University, Jared Peifer at Baruch College, and Daniel Bolger at Rice University. The study is titled Examining Links Between Relgion, Evolution Views and Climate-Change Skepticism.

The study not only found that the majority of evangelicals tend to disbelieve Evolution, but, perhaps surprisingly, a majority of evangelicals also believe that climate change is occurring and/or that humans have a role in climate change.

Researchers say this study calls into question the popularly held belief that evangelicals tend to be skeptical of climate change. According to the study, less than 28 percent of them said climate change was a fabrication.

"This is different from the popular account that the people who oppose climate-change research and the people who oppose the teaching of evolution are the same and that evangelical Protestantism is clearly linked to both," stated Ecklund.

The study also found that Americans overall were even less skeptical of climate change (20 percent), and 45 percent believe Evolution is false.


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Publication date: December 14, 2015