Poll Shows Disparity between Claiming Christian Faith and Living It

Veronica Neffinger

A recent survey has revealed that there is a great disparity between those who identify as Christian and those who actually hold to biblical beliefs.

The American Culture and Faith Institute collected data from a “Christianity 101” questionnaire. Although 70 percent of those surveyed identified as Christian, only about 10 percent could actually answer basic biblical questions.

"Our research collected information about attitudes and behaviors related to practical matters like lying, cheating, stealing, pornography, the nature of God, and the consequences of unresolved sin," said researcher George Barna, who directed the studies.

According to Christian Today, 6,000 people participated in the survey which included 20 questions on basic Christian beliefs and another 20 questions on behavior.

The answers of participants were then measured against biblical content to determine how many of those who identified as Christians were actually “integrated disciples.”

The organizers of the survey did acknowledge, however, that ultimately only God can know whether someone is a genuine disciple.

“Any time you attempt to measure people's worldview or spiritual standing, you have to tread carefully. We recognize that this research provides an estimate, not an absolute. Only God really knows who is a Christian. Only He knows who has a biblical worldview. God alone knows what's in the mind and heart of each person,” read a statement from Barna.  


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Publication date: March 1, 2017