Wild Boars Attack ISIS Militants in Iraq

Veronica Neffinger

Three ISIS militants were reportedly killed by wild boars in northern Iraq, according to a report from Heatstreet.

The wild boars are known to inhabit Kirkuk in the al-Rashad region. Details of how the wild animals killed the jihadists are not known, but one source claimed “Islamic State militants took revenge on the pigs that attacked the farmland.”

Although much of the area captured by the Islamic State has been retaken, the jihadists remain in control of Mosul and Kirkuk.

Thousands of refugees have fled the area and are living in refugee camps.

A similar story of wild animals targeting ISIS militants was reported by on April 21. In that report, a group of lions attacked ISIS jihadists who were about to attack and kill a pastor and the group of Christians he was with. 

The pastor in the incredible account gave all glory to God for saving his life and the lives of his friends.

"My risen Lord Jesus Christ has saved my life once again," wrote Pastor Paul Ciniraj, "and I praise and thank God for His unspeakable grace!"

God can use even wild animals to accomplish His purposes!


Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/VladyslavDanelin

Publication date: April 25, 2017