Calls for Trump's Impeachment are Increasing, but White Evangelicals Continue to Support the President

Veronica Neffinger

Although many have been calling for President Trump’s impeachment, white evangelicals largely oppose this.

White evangelicals have been a core demographic in Trump’s base--about 81 percent voted for him in the November presidential election.

Rhetoric calling for Trump’s impeachment has increased recently after his initial failure to call out the violence of white supremacists at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last week, which ended in one death and nearly three dozen injured. reports that a PRRI poll conducted earlier this month found that 40 percent of Americans believe the President should be impeached. This is up from 30 percent who said the same back in February.

Among evangelicals, however, the numbers are much lower. In fact, 79 percent oppose calls to impeach Trump.

White evangelicals are the group that most strongly opposes Trump’s impeachment. The 79 percent of white evangelicals is compared to 63 percent of white mainline Protestants, 61 percent of white Catholics, and 45 percent of white “nones.”

Overall, President Trump has less favorable ratings than other recent American presidents.

Robert Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, says this is because certain groups of people seem intent on criticizing everything the President says or does.

“There is an effort to do whatever is necessary to take this president down,” said Jeffress, who is on Trump’s evangelical advisory board. Jeffress also described the President as “very honest” and someone who “refuses to be politically correct.”


Photo courtesy: Getty Images

Publication date: August 17, 2017