South Texas Faces Difficult Road in Harvey Aftermath

Ryan Duncan

Hurricane Harvey may be gone, but residents of Southeast Texas are still struggling to rebuild in the aftermath of the storm. Current problems range everywhere from flooded neighborhoods to a widespread lack of transportation. The Texas Tribune reports that many of Huston’s low-income occupants are finding it difficult to rebuild after their vehicles were destroyed in the hurricane. Huston has always been a car-centric city, and the absence of transportation has made it nearly impossible for affected individuals to buy new clothing or find alternative places to live.

Other problems stem from pollution in the floodwaters. Cancer-causing chemicals were leaked from a Superfund site during the storm, and the Army Corps of Engineers is facing criticism over their decision to release water from two reservoirs which ultimately lead to the drowning of two people in West Huston. Students are similarly facing mounting problems as much of the schools in the area have closed due to damage. The end result could be a prolonged gap in their education.

For now, only time can tell how successful rebuilding efforts will prove.

(Image Credit:GettyImages)

*Published 9/22/2017