Teacher is Fired for Sharing Biblical View on Homosexuality with Student

Veronica Neffinger

A teacher in the UK was fired for answering honestly when a student questioned her about her beliefs about homosexuality.

According to CBN News, Svetlana Powell had been a teacher for 17 years. She was dismissed from her position at T2 Apprenticeship Academy in Bristol, England and even reported as a “radicalization threat” to an anti-terrorist government watchdog group.

The controversy began when Powell was asked by one of her students about her views on homosexuality. The student reportedly identified as a lesbian.

Powell responded that, as a Christian, she believes that the Bible makes it clear that homosexuality is against God’s will. However, she went on to tell the student that God loves her.

Shortly following this conversation, Powell was terminated for “gross misconduct.”

"I was surprised that my contract was terminated," Powell said of being fired. "I was telling them about the love of God and love of each other. For them to compare my Christian views to terrorist acts, that was absolutely appalling."

Powell went on to say that the students seemed interested in her beliefs because they were different from the prevailing views with which they were familiar.

“We're all sinners and God loves everybody,” Powell said. “God provided us the way for us to be forgiven through his son Jesus Christ. And I said to that girl that God loves her."


Publication date: March 26, 2018