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One Easy Way to Lighten the Load of Others This Year

One Easy Way to Lighten the Load of Others This Year

As believers in Christ, we are called to extend compassion to our neighbors. It's our tenderness toward others which reveals faith and hope at work in us and our world. During these trying times, we all need to know that we aren't alone.

This is why the church exists – to be a friend and comfort to those in need. As 'the church' believers are:

  • Blessed to be a blessing
  • Beacons to point others to God
  • Bent to serve others

We bend down to relieve the weight our brother carries, we serve our neighbors with what we have, and we lift those in difficulty with words of affirmation and encouragement.

These can be simple when we are together, but how can we serve others when we need to stay physically apart from each other?

One way is by sharing into one another’s burdens.

Galatians 6:2 mandates us to help one other “Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.”

Offering to come alongside someone as they travel through the celebrations and trials of life could be as simple as these: texting friends and family members who live alone, organizing a video conference or drive-thru parade for a socially distant birthday party, or by providing financial support through the sharing of medical expenses.

Yes, sharing medical expenses can be a practical way to help others in need.

It is God’s generosity to us that helps us to joyfully give to others: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Sharing medical expenses is a practical way to help. Members contribute monthly shares that are directly shared with another member who has medical bills. It’s a classic case of neighbors helping neighbors!

Through prayer, encouragement, healthy living, and financial support, healthsharing members come together to provide one another with access to affordable and high-quality healthcare.

One healthcare sharing ministry helping its members share burdens is Liberty HealthShare, a non-profit healthcare sharing ministry.

Liberty HealthShare members are health-conscious individuals who affirm their belief in the God of the Bible and agree to live healthy lives in accordance with God’s word through the biblical principles of sharing.

In addition to providing financial support, Liberty HealthShare members also provide encouragement to each other through the secure online ShareBox, where members offer prayers, cheers, and support to those who are in need.

Guided by faith and their commitment to building healthy communities, Liberty HealthShare provides a comprehensive platform for its members to enjoy the rewards of an active lifestyle in accordance with biblical principles.

At a time when people continue to live at a distance from one another, selfless service, compassionate living and caring solutions will bring us back together.

Would you like to join thousands of Christians who share one another’s burdens through the sharing of medical expenses? Do you know someone interested in freeing themselves from the for-profit healthcare industry? Request a free decision guide at to learn how the sharing community at Liberty HealthShare can help lighten the heavy load of medical expenses.

Image courtesy: ©Sparrowstock

To learn more about healthcare sharing programs at Liberty HealthShare, request a free decision guide.

Since 1995, Liberty HealthShare has equipped health-conscious individuals and families to make wise healthcare decisions. Our supportive community commits to bearing one another’s burdens in prayer, encouragement, and financial support. By emphasizing good stewardship of our bodies and our healthcare spending, and providing helpful advice, we help our members stay in good health, budget for medical needs, and reduce the overwhelming complexity of navigating our nation’s current medical care system.
