Dr. Tony Evans Devotional Alternative View

<< Alternative View with Dr. Tony Evans

Alternative View - August 10, 2017

God Has a Purpose for Us

In His Presence: Jeremiah 29:11

“David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid among his fathers”(Acts 13:36).

Men, the worst thing in the world is to live out our 75 or so years of life not knowing why we were put here in the first place. When God placed Adam in this world, He told him to fill the earth and tame it. He was to create a culture out of the wild. Adam knew he had a purpose for his life. The tragedy today is that men have settled for the mundane and become satisfied by emptiness. They haven’t gotten around to exploring God’s reason for their existence. If we don’t know why we have a life to live, then anyone who whispers in our ear can distract us from our divinely ordained reason for being.

God has a purpose for each of us; we need to pursue God’s special future. But if we just settle for the definition of manhood given us by society, the entertainment industry, the sports industry, and our buddies, then we will never discover the purpose God has for us. Real living is when we are completing the work that God has called us to do.

Satan is seeking to overrun this world with evil. But God is ready to partner with us when we take up the mantle of manhood. Through the Holy Spirit, He will work in and through us, but it requires taking a risk.

One Minute Please

Are you going to settle for the ordinary, or are you going to be God’s man doing God’s business?

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