Dr. Tony Evans Devotional Alternative View

<< Alternative View with Dr. Tony Evans

Alternative View - November 17, 2017

The Authority Of God’s Word

Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” - (Genesis 3:1)

The first conversation between the devil and a human being is about God. Not only that, but it’s about God’s word. Satan asked Eve, “Indeed, has God said . . . ?” Satan did this because he knew that in order to get rid of God’s rule, he had to get rid of the authority of His word.

A very important part of Satan’s strategy is that he did not seek to get rid of religion. The whole conversation is about God. In fact, he even goes so far as to tell Eve that she can be “like God”(Genesis 3:5). Satan doesn’t mind religion. You can go to church all day long if you want to. What he does mind is when you acknowledge God as ruler over your life. This is evidenced through a very clever maneuver Satan did linguistically with Eve.

Prior to the conversation between the woman and the snake, God is referenced in Scripture as “Lord God” which means “ruler, absolute authority.”

Yet when Satan talked with Eve, he removed the word “Lord .” He removed the fundamental principle of God as the rightful king over His kingdom. The issue in the garden was whose word would be final. Will God be “Lord God”? Or will you just say that He is “God” while making your own decisions?

Reflection: What is the difference between religion that gives a nod to God and biblical Christianity? Are you at times tempted to acknowledge God but avoid acknowledging His lordship over you? What areas of your life have been hands-off to God’s lordship? What will you do about this?

Lord God—Jehovah Elohim, I look to You as both my Creator and my Lord. You are holy, righteous, powerful, and pure. May I never separate religion from a relationship with You. Keep me from turning the divine truth of who You are into a mere duty. You are my Lord and You are also my God.

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