Dr. Tony Evans Devotional Alternative View

<< Alternative View with Dr. Tony Evans

To Him Be the Glory - Alternative View - November 7

For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. - (Romans 11:36)

All things operate for the purpose of God’s glory. Romans 11:36 says, “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” As you may already know, amen means “so be it.” There it is.That’s it. God’s glory is the bottom line in His kingdom. It is His goal.

Paul said that everything is from God. He is the first cause, the source. Then Paul said that through Him everything is. God is also the effective cause of everything in creation. And finally, Paul said that everything is to Him. He is the final cause. It all returns to Him to bring Him glory forever.

It is crucial that you understand that God created the universe for His pleasure and His glory (Revelation 4:11), including the creation of you (Isaiah 43:7). God did not make the world first and foremost for you but for Himself. Everything is created to bring Him glory, and that means you, too. That is your chief aim—your highest purpose. You are to reflect Him and His ways through your thoughts, choices, and actions in such a way that people look at you and can’t help but give glory to God.

Reflection: How can the creation of mankind bring glory to God? How do His other actions do so? How can people bring God glory? How can you and your family honor and glorify God this week?

God, Your glory is intrinsic within You. Whether I give You glory or not, You are glory. I want to know the sweetness that comes from living a life that glorifies You. Make me an instrument of Your praise and let the words that come from my mouth show off the wondrous works of Your hands in my heart and life.

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